40 people who changed after losing weight


Being fat is almost universal in today’s society. And that’s not because humans have become gluttons, it’s because most humans have it coded in their DNA. Thanks to the unlimited supply of processed foods, some people go from gaining weight to being overweight.

You will agree that losing weight is challenging and even more so for women than for men due to metabolic and hormonal differences. However, weight loss heroes have proven that a little inspiration goes a long way.

Once you get into a routine and start noticing the changes, things definitely get a lot easier than expected. In particular, a healthy diet, a lot of exercise, including a large amount of willpower and discipline, can make a huge difference in your appearance and completely transform you into a different person. With the right approach and mindset, these before and after photos of people become [compiled below] are those who have considered the health benefits of weight loss and immediately immersed themselves in the process. They’re guaranteed to inspire you, so keep browsing!

Sometimes all you need is a little help working on the outside to feel good on the inside.

From 320 pounds to 230 pounds. 3 years progress.

I love seeing this! You can live your life and burn fat at the same time!

Yes, that is inspirational weight loss!

Who doesn’t want to look this healthy?

Lost 230 pounds. In 3 years. I’m officially half the man I used to be.

Being a hardworking mom shouldn’t get in the way of your goal of losing weight.

Losing weight is really about making choices when it matters most. I’ve lost over 90 pounds by making healthy choices and have stayed successful by maintaining the weight by choosing to stay committed no matter how many times I screw up along the way.

Salute to all my ladies who work hard every day.

This father transformed his “father’s body” by exercising with his newborn baby.

I understand the struggle with weight loss and if anyone is ready to give up, please don’t!

That already made my day. Transformations like these can be life changing!

Holding on to that extra weight can be so frustrating! Keto can help you solve this stubborn problem fast!

Losing weight is beautiful!

Did you know that my supplements mimic the effects of a keto diet without actually following an actual keto diet?!

Holding on to that extra weight can be so frustrating!

It’s amazing what can be achieved once it’s set.

Losing weight can transform you into a whole new person. This is proof!

159 pounds lost, VSG, CICO, hiking and biking. From a 5x tee to a medium.

Focusing on your health can be life changing, like for that specific person who did an amazing job!

Turns out supplementation works wonders.

370 pounds to 208 pounds! I’m done, time to bulk!

Back to back 90 pounds down. Has anyone else seen those little baby muscles coming up and wanting to say hello?

Lost 110 pounds in 18 months. From the unmotivated couch potato to the Australian ninja warrior and four-time world champion obstacle course driver. Love life now!

365 days -85 pounds, 2 pieces of advice. From 220 pounds to 135 pounds.

Focusing on your health remains KEY.

22Ib Transformation!

pair of goals. before [Left] Vs. After [Right].

After so much mimimi, because in some photos I’m at a different angle where the tattoos don’t appear, I got tired, because now TAKE IT!!! In the same pose, in the same mirror and with the same clothes!!!

Today I lost -250 pounds! Started at 526, now 276. On keto for over 3 years, also included both intermittent fasting and extended fasting.

You can also be a completely different person. Just give weight loss a chance.

Use your time at home to get in the best shape of your life!

I weighed in for the first time in months and I could have thrown up seriously before stepping on the scale. My only hope was to get out of the 300s and I did it!

104.2 pounds down. Started in 3XL, today I wear an M top and S pants!

It’s important to remember that we lose weight to live life, not live to lose weight, and that’s exactly what I did.

I want to post this because I’m proud… but I’m not done yet! 7 months and 125 pounds down!

Face Progress – Lost 206 pounds.

8 years ago I could hardly get out of bed. From 2010 to 2018.

When I started making lifestyle changes over 5 years ago, it took me well over a year to lose most of the weight – around 35kg.

Four years ago I wore the same shirt as I do today, the difference is stunning and I’m so proud of myself.

