5 times people have been marked by sex


Sex is usually one of the most pleasurable experiences one can have.

It is not only the natural process of reproduction that ensures the survival of mankind, but also the joy and excitement that comes with it.

Sex is good for your health too, that’s a scientific fact.

It keeps your immune system running, gives your libido a boost, and lowers your blood pressure. But things can get out of hand, especially when it comes to sexual matters.

Here are 5 cases where sex marked people not only for a lifetime but beyond, from court cases to bizarre injuries to a death…

#1: Things are getting concrete

A couple in North Carolina apparently wanted to take their sex life up a notch.

But the sexual practice they tried went way too far.

4 hours after the incident, the two appeared in a hospital, the man complained of abdominal pain.

It turned out that he had asked his partner to pump concrete mix into his anus via a funnel, which naturally hardened.

The doctors then took care of the matter, but it goes without saying that it was horrendously stupid.

#2: Sex once a week? Your Honor, that’s not enough.

In 1980, David Mason took his wife to court for limiting sex to once a week.

Apparently she was afraid of getting pregnant for the third time.

At first, Mason actually won the case, but lost on appeal because the court failed to find Brenda’s actions unreasonable. It is not known what turn her sex life or relationship took after the trial.

#3: A condom in the wrong place

A young woman from Cameroon came to the hospital after suffering from a very uncomfortable and persistent cough for a long time.

Doctors initially suspected appendicitis, but the reason for the cough was much more bizarre: the woman had a condom stuck in her appendix, which she must have swallowed during oral sex, so her appendix had to be surgically removed.

#4: Playboy becomes a city

Rolf Eden, a 77-year-old playboy and strip club owner from Germany, claims to have bedded more than 3,000 women, so apparently it’s very unusual for him to be turned away.

But when he tried to embed 19-year-old teenager Katharina Weiss in 2007, he was abandoned despite getting her to drink champagne.

This made him so angry that he tried to sue her for age discrimination, saying it was a “harrowing” experience for him. Of course he lost the case.

#5: The fatal hickey

And this might be the worst and saddest sex fail of all because not only did it scar the person, but it was ultimately fatal.

Julio Macias Gonzalez, a 17-year-old Mexican girl, got a passionate love bite on her neck from her boyfriend during sex.

The hickey had fatal consequences: it formed a blood clot that traveled to the girl’s brain and caused a stroke that ended Julio’s life far too soon.

Well, these are surely some of the most bizarre sex fails of all time, whether it’s people who are sexually unsatisfied and are trying to sue their partner or others who have had very unfortunate accidents in the bedroom.

After all, sex is a question of mutual understanding and should not annoy or even hurt anyone.

Taking someone to court for not wanting to sleep with you is beyond delusional, and when it comes to sexual practices, don’t be afraid to experiment, but be careful.

Of course, shoving concrete up your anus is pathetically stupid, so all I can ask is: enjoy your sex life, but be sensible.



